digital media player for tv hdmi usb
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Customer Reviews
Video by D. Bowman
I must say this little black box is just stupendous!!! This is my first Apple TV, I had always been hesitant about them but decided at $99 now with Netflix streaming I just couldn't pass it up. Setup was a breeze, it was so easy to learn, really didn't have to learn it having used other Apple products it was easy to figure out fast.
Browsing my movies on my Mac Mini media server was just a breeze. Connected it too my iTunes account, it instantly found my iTunes and thus all my media. Movies played quickly and at standard def. they looked just as good as they always have. By JohnRN
Easy setup, elegant interface, great sound and video quality. And only $99. (Two hundred dollars less than the upcoming googleTV).
Great for streaming HD home movies from iTunes. You can stream all of your iTunes content to the AppleTV. Works with all of your existing iOS devices. This is just the beginning folks. Airplay and Apps coming late this year and in 2011.
I highly recommend controlling the AppleTV with an iPad if you have one. Makes controlling and typing on the AppleTV so easy!
A recommended buy for the iOS ecosystem. By Technoboy
Version 2 much better. I love this new version of the Apple TV. It's compact, so it doesn't take up much space. The 40 gb hard drive on the old version was useless. I don't know about anyone else, but between photos, songs, movies, and other media, I have well over 40 gb. I host it on my Mac MINI and with home sharing can view all my movies right from the confort of my own couch. I have mine set up wireless without any delays playing movies, or streaming them from Netflix or the Apple Store. And for 99 bucks, you can't beat that price. By chrisregentb
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